Community Supported Agriculture
What it is and how it works

So... a CSA basically works like this.

A CSA share member (someone like you) purchases a share in the farm's harvest, at the beginning of the season, from a farm (like Blackbird Creek). It gives us a chance to get cash flow going in the spring when the big purchases, like seeds, baby chicks and compost, are needed and then through the growing season you receive a weekly share in the form of farm products from what we harvest.

Our CSA Program
At Blackbird Creek Farm, we grow and raise a wide range of vegetables and other seasonal farm products like fruits, eggs, honey, pasture-raised chicken, rabbit, bunches of fresh herbs and cut flowers, etc.

This year we are doing things a little different, we are no longer packing boxes of produce for our customers. Instead, each Saturday morning during the share season we will set up produce on the farm, market style. Then share members can come and pack their own boxes, coolers, or bags with whatever they would like for the week up to their weekly $ amount.

For the 2022 share season (20 weeks) a share is $700, which comes to $35/week paid annually. $40/week if paid monthly, or $45/week if paid weekly (or if you would like to try it out a few weeks before joinging the program).  Please see our store for more details
We can see many benefits of switching to this type of system verses our old way of packing boxes for our customers. First, you get to see the farm each week and make connections with other like-minded folks. Second, you get to pick exactly what you want and how much which keeps us from guessing. So if you would like to can some tomatoes or make strawberry jam you could spend all your share amount on those products if you chose. Third, if you don't use all of your share $ amount one week it wont go to waste. You can save up those "share bucks" for when you are throwing a party and need a little extra or when our honey is harvested and you want to stock up or if you want to purchase some chicken for your freezer.  

Our 20 week shares start the first Saturday of June and go through mid-October.  And as we now have our hoophouses up and in place, we will offer an extended season to our CSA members first before advertising to the public. We aim to have 7-8 varieties of veggies and fruits availble weekly. Roots like potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, plus salad greens, cabbages, kale, spinach, etc. And a whole host of other seasonal veggies like sweet corn, tomatoes, peppers, sugar snap peas, green beans, broccoli, pumpkins, squash, melons and so on.

We have many young fruit trees and berry plants planted on the farm as well. However we are not certain just yet how much fruit they will yield this year since they are still getting established. As a share member you will have "first dib" rights when fruits do become available, And we will let you know through our weekly emails what's in season. 

When you sign up we will send you a list of what we are growing this season (or you can contact us to request one ahead of time). Then you can let us know what veggies you like or don't like and this helps us to know what to plant and roughly how much. 
We also welcome "sweat equity" - for those that want to come farm alongside us and earn some amazing food with bragging rights to say "I grew that!" (contact us if you wish to learn more).

Please visit our FAQ page for more details like delivery options, what if I can't pick up my share?, etc. 

All ready to sign up? 
Click below to head to our store and make it official.