Frequently Asked Questions

How much will a share cost?

For 20 weeks a share is $700 for the season, which comes to roughly $35/week.

We do allow for monthly payments to be made if you wish to go that route. The cost is a bit more at $40/week  or $45/week if you want to pay as you go (please see our store for more details)

We also welcome "sweat equity"  -  for those that want to come farm alongside us and earn some amazing food with bragging rights to say "I grew that!" (contact us if you wish to learn more).

Do you Deliver?

Yes, shares can be delivered for an additional fee of $5/delivery which is a super easy way to get your produce and not have to remember to go pick it up each week.

Wednesdays are our normal delivery day.

I Have to Pick Up My Produce Directly from the Farm?

This year we are trying something new. We love having folks visit the farm and see how we are growing and what’s new.

We have farm produce available for pick-up starting the first Saturday in June. 
8:00am - 12:00pm

What if I am on Vacation and Can’t Receive or Pick-up my Produce?

We have a variety of options available…

First, you can choose to “pause” your share for the week and get an additional share at the end of the season.

Second, you could choose to have a “credit” on your account and receive additional produce at no extra charge when you are having a party or other gathering where you require additional food.

Third, you can choose to donate your share for that timeframe to a local food pantry.

Are you an Organic Farm?

While we are not certified organic - an expensive, lengthy process, one which we may pursue in future - we do use organic methods on our farm and utilize regenerative farming techniques which often go above and beyond the current organic approved methods. 

We utilize no-till, compost-centric, soil building methods. No synthetic chemicals or fertilizers. No GMO crops ever.

What are your terms and conditions?

We ask for a signed written commitment for the season, which is emailed to you. This helps us plan and also gives you peace of mind knowing what you are paying for. We also require  that payment for the full annual share amount be made no later than one month prior to the start of the “share season" (June is the start of our season). This gives us a good amount of time in which to plan. 

For those paying by the month...
We ask for a written commitment for the full season and we require that the monthly share amount be paid no later than the first of each month.  

Are you licensed and insured?

While we are licensed chemical applicators (licenses we were required to have in former careers which we still carry), they are not necessary for this type of farming. We do not utilize chemicals or fertilizers that require such oversight from the Ohio Department of Agriculture.

In the unfortunate event that someone does get sick from our produce or other food products we do carry liability insurance. Which is just a smart practice in any type of business.