Water Conservation

Our most precious resource

What we do at Blackbird Creek Farm can be felt downstream... quite literally. There are two creeks that run through and border our farm, that are part of the Scioto watershed, and we take the business of protecting them very seriously. 

Reducing runoff from the fields and gardens by planting with the contour of the land is one method we utilize in our conservation efforts. This helps to replenish ground water and reduces the amount of irrigation we need to grow some crops. It slows the water flow through the landscape, allowing it to penetrate into the ground and helps to stop soil erosion.

Keeping a naturalized buffer of vegetation along the creek banks helps prevent further erosion and promotes biodiversity. 

Capturing rainwater off the barn roofs, via a series of large tanks and above ground cistern, and using this as a source of irrigation for seedlings, garden beds, and even our animals is one way we have found to reduce our reliance on a well.

The high percentage of organic matter in our gardens also helps to hold moisture and does not dry out as quickly between watering. 

In the future, we intend to add larger livestock to our farm and with that we plan to design a series of ponds into the landscape to help our farm be as resilient as possible.